Sunday, April 03, 2011


So I finally have found something to do down here, that also generates income. It involves meeting people in the streets to raise funds for UNICEF. So I will be one of those people that I often try to avoid, walking down the streets, go figure...

I have a somewhat ambivalent feeling towards this, cause I know how annoying people like that can be. They give you a bad conscience because you really have the money to help. Still you might feel somewhat resistant committing to it, because you are either cheap, don't trust that your money will reach those children (or whatever), or you feel you help enough already? Whatever your reason, thefundraisingpeople (this is actually the name of my employer) are probably not on your "love" list.

On the other hand, this is actually one of the better causes to raise funds for. UNICEF does so much good around the world, and therefore I have faith in what I'll be "selling". This type of work will also force me to be more outgoing, which I have been working towards since late primary school. So I guess this might actually turn out to be a good thing, at least I hope so:P


Solrun said...

Bare ikke stopp meg på gata så går det bra :P Og gratulerer med jobb forresten :)

Ragnar said...

Mener han "working towards" ? Beklager, men språklige ting klør på innsiden av skallen til de slipper ut. Utover det: Så flott! Unngå meg også, jeg har allerede dårlig samvittihet ovenfor ADRA, og disse Unicef-sakene godtar vel ingen engangs donasjoner, uten at jeg må gjennom en endelør påapirmølle gjør de vel? Men nå kan jeg si til alle pusherne her i Norge, at broren min jobber for Unicef i Australia, stå på, osv. (også tror de sikkert at jeg støtter og lar meg gå videre, uten at jeg har bidratt til å totalt drepe troen deres på menneskeheten, siden jeg er for gjerrig.. Way to go! Problemet oppstår imidlertid når jeg møter deg igjen.. hm..