Wednesday, April 07, 2010


So lately I haven't really thought much about blogging. Mostly because my mind has been busy thinking about my bachelor assignment, but also I just haven't really had so much to blog about. Well, maybe thats no true, I always have, because it can be whatever! But still, maybe not enough.

I spent easter on the west coast of Norway. First I was in Bergen for my grandmothers funeral, imagine that: 97 years old... And from there I went to Geiranger, a beautiful place at the innermost end of a fjord. And walking around there, with so much silence (except from the noise of the waterfall) gave a few moments of peace. And of course this makes some thought come up...

So life lies ahead of me, life lies behind me, and life is right now, which do I chose to live?
I can live the life that is behind me, that is re-living it in my head, dwelling on all my past experiences, letting them stop me from living another life, binding me an keeping me stuck in the past. Though memories are not a bad thing, they can be if that is all you think of..
I can also chose to live in the future, wondering about what might be, planning ahead so much that I keep myself from living life as a free individual, and instead becoming a slave to my planned future.
But most of all I can chose to live now, the life that is, whatever it contains. Memories are good, in portions. So is planning ahead, as long as you don't plan it all (at least so I feel). But dare to live life now and make the most of it, so that the memories you have later will be good ones, and the future you lay the foundation for now, becomes the best it can be...Good luck;)


Rebekka said...

Hear hear!! :)

joar andré said...

I read these words a while back: "your lungs can't draw oxygen from yesterday's air. life is exactly as much about letting go as it is taking in". Found them to be words of wisdom!