Friday, November 13, 2009

What is life?

Do you know?
I guess I could come with a few suggestions anyways:)
Here is the first part of the definition give by Wikipedia:

Life (cf. biota) is a characteristic that distinguishes objects that have self-sustaining biological processes from those that do not[1][2] —either because such functions have ceased (death), or else because they lack such functions and are classified as "inanimate."[3]

But thats not all is it? Is life only the biological processes working within us?
Well...if you think of it - yes! Because every thought, every thing you do is a result of some
biological process happening inside you in advance.
But let's look past that small detail. To know what life is, we first have to know what it consists of, agreed? So what does life consist of? Love? Well, I believe there has to be some love present in ones life for people to live. If love seems to be gone, what then is life worth living for?
Good and bad experiences? So you could say, cause isn't that really all there is? Either an experience is good or its bad, isn't it? If not, then comment;)
Other people? Yes, if not for other people than youself it would not be life. You would not excist! And other people is also necessary for you to experience love. That is if you rule out God, but can you? God is life, so utters the Bible. So God is according to the Bible a necessity for life to excist.
So if you then acknowledge The Bible as true, God shuld be a part of life.
Football is life! Is it? Quite a few people seems to believe this, at least they act as if it is all that matters in life. Perhaps the rest of humankind have misunderstood? Or maybe not...
Well...I've mentioned a few things that life consists of. So what is life then?
So far life is: Love, good and bad experiences, other people, God and perhaps football.
I now urge you all to suggest more things that together makes life whatever it is. Or, if you know the answer to my first question, tell us;)


Tina said...

The first question is a hard one to crack indeed. Or at least a hard one to give a definision to.

On your list you can ad sleep, hope, and thinking.

I think a lot of people try to find the good life in the wrong places, and sit there not understanding why they feel so empty and unhappy.

This guy says it so well!

Siri said...

Jeg tror du kan legge til tilfeldigheter og det uvisse/ukjente...