Saturday, October 03, 2009

Life and stuff....

As we keep wandering through challenges, good and bad experiences, extremes - one or the other way, shallow talk, deep conversations, highs and sometimes have to stop up and think what it's all really about. Like why do you do the things you do and say the things you say, is it worth being said or done, does it help you or the world around you in any way, does is make yours and others lives easier or maybe worse?
All in all this is called utilitarism, in other and understandable words - consequential thinking. And I often wonder if I do this too much or too little, as for the people around me. Usually I come to the conclution about others, that they do this to little. If you take a look around you, people are constantly doing stuff without thinking consequences, and they end up hurting others, themselves and making a mess of things. Now I'm not going to exclude myself from this, cause I also do stupid things. But are we really thinking enough about the consequences of our actions? Will ve ever?